- Collection No:
- 1321
- Former Collection No:
- Donated Collection - 23
- Title of Book:
- Şerhu’r-Risâleti’l-Vaz‘iyye., شرح الرسالة الوضعية.
- Author:
- İsâmüddin el-İsferâyînî, Ebû İshak İsâmüddin İbrâhim b. Muhammed b. Arabşah el-İsferâyînî, 945/1538, عصام الدين الإسفراييني، أبو إسحق عصام الدين إبراهيم بن محمد بن عربشاه الإسفراييني
- Copyright Date:
- 16th c
- Subject:
- Logic
- Language:
- Arabic
- Date of Copying
- : -
- Scriber
- : -
- Bibliography about the author:
- İsmail Durmuş, "İsferâyînî, İsâmüddin", TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi, c 22, (2020) 516-517.
Nihat Tarı. İsâmuddîn el-İsferâyînî’nin Hayatı ve Eserleri”. Harran İlahiyat Dergisi (2021) 270-294.
- Publications of the Work
- : It has been published in Istanbul, in 1274.
- Copies:
- There are more than hundred fifty manuscript copies of the work in libraries in Turkey.
- Content:
- It is a commentary on al-ʿAdud al-Dīn al-Ījī's treatise, also known asal-Sharḥ al-ʿIṣāmī li al-Risālat al-Ważʿiyya. al-Ījī's treatise is regarded as the first independent work written in the field of wad'. Therefore, it pioneered the emergence of a new literature (wad'iyya literature) by adding a different dimension to the word-meaning debates. For this reason, it has been the subject of many commentaries and glosses since the time it was written. The commentaries written on al-Risālat al-wad'iyya have made significant contributions to the compilation of the issues related to the science of wad' and the discussion of new topics. Many issues of wad' that al-Ījī did not mention in his treatise and which would be discussed later were brought up and discussed in the commentaries. One of these commentaries was written by Isām al-Dīn Isferāyinī.
- Physical Description
- Leaf:
- 39
- Line:
- 21
- Calligraphy:
- Ta’liq
- Dimension:
- 198x125-125x60 mm.
- Binding:
- brown leather binding with marbled paper and with flap
Paper with watermark and burnished. Ther are red inked lines (keşîde).
- Kuyûdât / Records
- Inner Cover / Seal of the Fethi Pasha Foundation:
- Hafız Ahmet Ağa Kütüphanesi Rodos
- 1a-2a vd. / Foundation seal belongong to Serazeb Es-Seyyid Mustafa Agha Rodosian:
- Rodosî serazeb es-seyyid Mustafa ağanın kütüb-i mevkûfesidir 1228
- 1a / Erased ownership record
- 1a / Title Information:
- Şerhu Vaz’iyye el-Müsemmâ bi’l-Isâm ve Şerhu Vaz’iyye -i Isâm cild 1
- 1b / Note containing the names of other authors who wrote commentaries on Risalet al-Wad'iyya:
- Molla Mesud eş-Şirvani, Ebi’-l Kasım es-Semerkandi ve Hâce Ali es-Semerkandî
- 39b/Possible property record in the name of Saliha Hanım:
- Merhûm ve mağfur Abdurrahim Efendi’nin küçük kerîmesi Saliha
- Marginalia
- In the margin, there are notes marked with remises such as sahh and neseha, or glosses beginning with kavluhu, and scholarly records, mostly from Abdullah Efendi (al-Kurdī) (1b-2a etc.).
- 38b / Copyright Record:
- temme temme temme