- Collection No:
- 1381
- Former Collection No:
- Donated 66
- Title of Book:
- Şerh-i Vasiyyetnâme-i Birgivî شرح وصيت نامه برگوي
- Author:
- Ali Sadri Konevî, Bedreddin Ali b. Muhammed es-Sadrî el-Konevî,, after 1114/1703, علي صدري قونوي، بدر الدين علي بن محمد الصدري القونوي
- Copyright Date:
- 1114 [1702-1703]
- Language:
- Turkish
- Subject:
- İlmihal
- Date of Copying
- :1159
- Scriber
- : -
- Bibliography about the author:
- Abdurrahman Kaya, Şeyh Aliyyü’s-Sadrî el-Konevî, Birgivî’nin Vasiyet-Nâmesinin Şerhi (1b-49b): Giriş-Tenkitli Metin-Dizin (Master thesis, 2005, Marmara University, Research Institute of Turkology)
- Publications of the Work: -
- Copies:
- There are more than eighty manuscript copies of the work in libraries in Turkey.
- Muhteva:
- It is the commentary of Birgivi's treatise on the principles of faith, worship and ethics written by Ali Sadri Konevî. In this treatise, Birgivî summarized some of the topics in the books of theology, fiqh and ethics and wrote it in Turkish so that everyone could understand it. The sections of the work are as follows:Allah’s essential and affirmative attributes, Angels, The Book of Allah, The Prophet, Mi'râj, Prophet's wives, The miracles of the saints, The four caliphs, The torment of the grave, The signs of the Resurrection, Heaven and Hell, Faith and Islam, Religion and nation, Bad morals, Good morals, Taqwa, Words that lead to blasphemy, The states of prayer, Digging the grave, Creation, Washing the dead, Funeral prayers, Indoctrination, Wudhu, ghusl ablution, Prayer, Worship, The states of menstruation.
While commenting on the work, al-Qūnawī explained the ambiguous points in the text by making use of other sources. He also indicated at the end of the pages which works he made use of while making explanations.
- Physical Description
- Leaf:
- I+102
- Line:
- 17
- Dimensions::
- 164x110-111x64mm
- Calligraphy:
- Nash
- Paper:
- Illuminated, with mihrabiye, the rulings and stops on pages 1b and 2a in six leaves, the rest of the rulings and stops in red ink. There are catchwords.
- Binding:
- Green cloth covered binding. Red leather over marbled paper covers.
- Kuyûdât / Records
- Ia/ Endowment seal belonging to Fethi Pasha
- 1a / titile of the work:
- Birgivî şerhi
- 1a / Endowment record belonging to Aişe Hatun:
- Bu şerh Tilimsânî İşci Sarı’nın ehli Aişe hatun vakf etmiştir. Mütevellisi Nalıncızade Molla Mustafa medrese-i İçhisar Sahin Karamancı oğlu Muhammed
- 1b /
- The title illumination is prepared but the text is not written.
- Marginalia
- 2a /
- Marginal records related to the book of Birgivî
- 4a-8a:
- It is annotated on more than one page using the sahh records
- 9b-35b:
- tı symbol.
- 16b-17a-27a
- the word waqf has been written to the margin of many pages
- 51a:
- nısf-ı kağıt / 50
- 63a
- : Matlab: Savm-ı Dâvûd
- 100a / Copyright Record:
- Temmete’l-kitâb bi avni'l-meliki'l-vehhâb. Allahümme ığfirlî velivâlidî ve lilmüminîn ve'l-müminât ve'l-müslimîn ve'l-müslimât yevme yekûmu'l-hesâb sene tis'a ve hamsûn ve mie ve elf şehr-i safer 7 sene 1159 [1 May 1746]
- 100b / record belonging to Molla Isa:
- Sâhib Molla ‘İsâ
- 101a-b / praying