- Collection No:
- 1332
- Former Collection No:
- Donated Collection-34
- Title of Book:
- et-Telvîh ilâ Keşfi Hakâ’iki’t-Tenkîh, التلويح إلى كشف حقائق التنقيح
- Author:
- Sa‘deddin Taftazânî, Sa‘deddin Mes‘ûd b. Ömer b. Abdullah et-Taftazânî el-Horasânî, (ö.792/1390), سعد الدين التفتازاني، سعد الدين مسعود بن عمر بن عبد الله التفتازاني الخراساني
- Copyright Date:
- 29 Zilkade 758 [13 November 1357]
- Language:
- Arabic
- Subject:
- Usûl-i Fiqh
- Date of Copying
- : Cumadelevvel 844 [October 1440]
- Place of Copying:
- Karatay Madrasah - Konya
- Scriber
- : -
- Bibliography about the author:
- Şükrü Özen, "Teftâzânî", TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi, 40. volume (2011) 299-308.
C. A. Storey, “Teftâzânî”, İA, XII/1, p. 118-121.
W. Madelung, “al-Taftāzānī”, EI2 (İng.), X, 88-89.
- Publications of the Work
- : et-Telvîḥ (ed. M. Adnân Derviş), Beirut 1419/1998.
et-Telvîḥ (nşr. Zekeriyyâ Umeyrân), Beirut 1996.
- Copies:
- There are more than three hundred copies of the work in libraries in Turkey.
- Content:
- The work is a gloss written by al-Sadeddīn Taftazānī on Sadr al-Sharīa's Tenḳīḥ al-uṣūl. The author gives the names of the works that are the source of his gloss in the introduction. It became one of the basic textbooks taught in madrasas during the Ottoman period. It is still taught in some Islamic countries today. Due to its criticism of Sadr al-Sharī'a, the work had a great resonance especially among the Hanafi scholars, and the discussions it put forth deeply influenced the later fiqh methodology literature, and was criticized by many authors such as Kadı Burhānaddīn. Many scholars, including Musannifak, wrote glosses on the work. Most of these glosses remained unfinished.
- Physical Description
- Leaf:
- 197
- Line:
- 29
- Dimensions:
- 274x163-194x120 mm
- Calligraphy:
- Nestaliq
- Binding:
- Open back, four-sided binding with brown leather.
Paper with watermark. Red ink is used in the phrases “kavluhû” indicating the glosses in the text and in the sub-text headings. There are catchwords.
- Kuyûdât / Records
- Ia / Seal belonging to the Fethi Pasha Foundation:
- Fethi Paşa Evkafı Hafız Ahmet Ağa Kütüphanesi Rodos
- 1a /Description of the work:
- Telvîh alâ şerhi Tenkîh
- 1a / Ownership Record of Muhammed bin Veli:
- Temellekehû el-fakîr Muhammed bin Veli el-kâdı eş-şehîr bi-Kâdızâde sene 1052 [1642-43]
- 1a / Ownership Record of Ali by Akçahisar:
- Temellekehû efkarü’l-verâ Ali bin Ali el-kâdı bi-Akçahisar sâbıkan bi-heyet-i fahru’l-mütekaddimîn ve efdalü’l-müteahhirîn şeyhülislam yevme izin bi medine-i Üskübi’l-mahrûse eş-şehîr bi-İşpirzâde el-hac Muhammed Efendi fî şehr-i rabiülevvel min şuhûri sene erbaîn ba’de’l-elf min hicret men lehü’l-izzü ve’ş-şeref [Oct-Nov. 1630]
- 1a / Personal Seal in the name of Ali
- 1a / Endowment record belonging to Murabıtzâde Hasan:
- Kad vakafa hâza’l-kitâb murâbıtzâde Hasan Bey’in fi’l-hücreti’l-cedîde fi’l-medrese-i Yeniçorlı [?] ve nasbü’l-mütevellî Karacazâde Mustafa bin Hacı İbrahim kapudan ufiye anhüm ve bihî
- 1b-2a /
- There is the word “waqf” on these leaves
- 4a /
- A note on the word “alhamdulillah”:
- 33a-41a / Collation Record:
- The word “belaga” is written, indicating that the work was compared with another one.
- Margins
- The margins contain quotations from the source texts.
There are notes with remarks such as “sahh”.
- Some notes on the manuscript:
- The manuscript was copied relatively early, in the mid-15th century, at the Karatay Madrasa in Konya. Despite this, it contains only two ownership records, both dating approximately two centuries after its production. In 1630, the manuscript came into the possession of Ali bin Ali of Akçahisar, the qadi of Skopje, and twelve years later, it passed to Kadızade Muhammed bin Veli. Subsequently, Murabıtzâde Hasan Bey endowed this manuscript to one of the chambers of the Yeniçorlu Madrasa and appointed Karacazâde Mustafa bin Hacı İbrahim as the trustee of the endowment.
The marginal notes, including verification remarks such as "sahh," excerpts from source texts, word explanations, and notes indicating that the text was checked (mukabele), demonstrate that the manuscript was not only used as a reading text but also served as a study and teaching material.
The historical journey of this manuscript provides insights into the transition of books from individual ownership to the waqf system during the Ottoman period, as well as their functions in this context. With the decline of the functionality of old waqfs and madrasas, this manuscript was transferred to the Hafız Ahmed Ağa Library, thus preserving it for posterity.