- Collection No:
- 957
- Former Collection No:
- Nahw-37
- Title of Book: /
- Hem‘u’l-Hevâmi‘ fî Şerhi Cem‘u’l-Cevâmi همع الهوامع في شرح جمع الجوامع
- Author:
- Suyûtî, Ebu’l-Fazl Celâleddin Abdurrahman b. Ebû Bekir b. Muhammed el-Kâhirî el-Hudayrî eş-Şâfi‘î (911/1505), السيوطي، أبو الفضل جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبو بكر بن محمد القاهري الخضيري الشافعي
- Copyright Date:
- 10/16th c.
- Language:
- Arabic
- Subject:
- Nahw
- Date of Copying
- : 5 Şevval 964 (1 August 1557)
- Scriber
- : Salahaddin b. Ahmed eş-Şenşûri, صلاح الدين بن أحمد الشنشوري.
- Bibliography about the author:
- “Süyûtî”, Halit Özkan; M. Suat Mertoğlu; Sedat Şensoy; Salih Sabri Yavuz, DİA, İstanbul, c. 38, 188-204. / E. M. Sartain, Jalāl al-dīn al-Suyūṭī, Cambridge 1975, s. 24, 36, 40, 92, 115. / Ahmed eş-Şerkāvî İkbâl, Mektebetü’l-Celâl es-Süyûṭî, Rabat 1977, s. 384-385. / Abdülkadir Karahan, “Süyûtî”, İA, XI, 258-263. / E. Geoffroy, “al-Suyūṭī”, EI2 (İng.), IX, 913-916. / L. Conrad, “al-Suyūṭī”, Dictionary of the Middle Ages (ed. J. R. Strayer), New York 1989, XI, 520-521
- Bibliography about the work:
- PhD Dissertation: Osman Yılmaz, Es-Süyûtî’nin Hem‘u’l-Hevâmi ‘ Şerhu Cem‘i’l-Cevâmi‘ Adlı Eserinin İncelenmesi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı / Arap Dili ve Belagatı Bilim Dalı, 2014, 267s.
- Encyclopedia Article:
- https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/cemul-cevami--suyuti-nahiv
- Publications of the Work
- : Volume I of Hem'u'l-Hevâmi was edited by ʿAbd al-Salām Muhammad Hārūn and ʿAbd al-Sālim Mekrem, and the other volumes were edited by ʿAbd al-Sālim Mekrem. (I-VI, Kuveyt 1400/1980).
Abdurrahmân b. Ebî Bekr Celalettin es-Süyûtî, Hem‘u’l-Hevâmi‘ fî Şerhi Cem‘u’l-Cevâmi‘, critical edition prepared by Abdulhamîd Henedâvî (Egypt: Mektebetü’t-Tevfîkiyye, t.s.), 1/239.
- Copies:
- There are more than thirty manuscript copies of the work in libraries in Turkey.
- Content:
- It is his commentary on Suyūtī's (d. 911/1505) book on grammar, Cem'u'l-Cevâmi'. Cem'u'l-Cevâmi', which he compiled from nearly 100 works, was so named because it contains all subjects related to Arabic. The work consists of an introduction and seven chapters. These chapters are named as kitāb. The first five chapters are about grammar, the sixth chapter is devoted to the syntax of words, and the seventh chapter is devoted to sarf. The work concludes with a conclusion on the rules of calligraphy and orthography.
This organization of the work is characterized as an original one that has not been done before, and the author states that he adopted the method of the methodologists in this regard. The work contains different opinions in a concise and coherent manner. When al-Suyutī learned that his students had difficulty understanding the work, he wrote this commentary, Hem‘u’l-Hevâmi‘'. With this commentary, his work Cem'u'l-Cevâmi' became valuable and famous. Ömer b. Muhammed el-Fâriskûrî (d. 1018/1610) translated Cem‘u’l-cevâmi‘ and its commentary into verse in 6000 couplets under the title Cevâmiʿu’l-iʿrâb ve Hevâmi‘u’l-Âdâb. In addition, Ahmed b. Emîn eş-Şinkitî (d. 1913) explained Hem‘u’l-Hevâmi‘ and its examples (shawāḥid) in his ed-Dürerü’l-Levâmi‘ ʿalâ Hem‘i’l-Hevâmiʿ (Cairo 1328).
- Physical Description
- Leaf:
- I+237
- Line:
- 33
- Calligraphy:
- Nash
- Dimensions:
- Paper:
- Watermarked and worm-eaten paper. The titles are in red ink. There are catchwords and foliation in pencil.
- Binding:
- Bound in burgundy leather with green cloth covered boards.
- Kuyûdât / Records
- Ia:Collection number:
- Sıra numerosı 815
- IIa:
- Kitâbu Mecma‘ul Cevâmi‘ ma‘a şerh-i cem‘u’l-cevâmi‘
- IIa / 1045 (1635/1636) dated purchase record belonging to Kadı Abdurrahman:
- İntekale bi-nevbeti’l-abdü’l-fakîr Abdurrahman kâdıyan bi dest [...] bi’ş-şirâ‘i’ş-şer‘î min mâlikihî fî sene 1045
- IIa
- / Kitâbu Mecma‘ul Cevâmi‘
- 1a / Bibliographic Information:
- Kitâbu Mecma‘ul Cevâmi‘ ma‘a şerh-i cem‘u’l-cevâmi‘
Te’lifü eş-şeyh el-imâmü’l-âlem el-allâme vahîd-i dehrehu ve mezîd ‘umruhû eş-şeyh Celâleddin Abdurrahman bin Ebî Bekir es-Suyûtî eş-şâfi‘î …dehû’llâh rahmetehû ve eskenehû ….hahû cennetehû muhammed s.a.v amin
- 1a / Ownership record belonging to Abdülbâkî Arif:
- Isteshabehû el-hakîr es-seyyid li-hasbî vâkıf el-meduvv […] Abdülbâkî Arif kâne ‘ufiye lehumâ
- 1a / Ownership record belonging to Seyyid Arif Şerefzâde:
- Isteshabehû el-fakîr es-seyyid Arif Şerefzâde gufira lehumâ 1178
- 1a / Ownership record belonging to Salahaddin Şenşurî:
- fî nevbeti Salahaddin Şenşûrî
- 1a / Ownership record belonging to Hasan:
- Mimmâ sâkahû sâiku’t-takdîr ilâ silk-i mülki’l-fakîr Hasan el-hakîr afa’lllâhu teâlâ anhu bi mennihî ve yümnihî
- 1a / Ownership record belonging to Ahmed bin Hasan:
- Min niamillâh subhânehû alâ abdihi’l-hakîr Ahmed bin Hasan gaferallâhu Teâlâ ileyhimâ ..zahar vemâ batan
- 1b/ Endowment seal belonging to Hafız Ahmed Agha:
- 85b / 171b / 237b: Sâbıkan rikâbdâr-ı hazret-i şehriyârî Rodosî Hafız Ahmed Ağa’nın cezîre-i mezbûrda bina eylediği kitâbhanesinin kütüb-i mevkûfesidir 1207
- 237b / Copyright Record:
- İntehâ kelâmu’l-müellif rahimehullâhu ve nefeanâ bihî amin ve hasbünallahu ve nimel vekil ve sallallahû ve sellem ala seyyidinâ muhammed ve alâ âlihî ve sahbihî ve sellem
- 237b / Copy Record:
- inhâhu kitâbeti linefsihî ve limen şâellâh min ba‘dihî el-fakîr ilallâh Teâlâ Salahaddîn İbn Ahmed eş-Şenşûrî eş-Şâfiî latafellâhu Teâlâ bihî ve li …min ehlihî ve gayrihim limen gaferallahû lehû ve’l-müslimîn fi’l-yevmi’l-mübârek el-hâmis min şehri Şevvali’l-mübârek ve zâlike fî sene 964
- 237b / Number of leaves:
- Evrâk 244
- 237b / Calligraphy and lines:
- bi-hatt-ı arab satır 33
- Margins:
- Sahh, he, nun, ‘ayn, hsh, etc. are available / recitation recordsThe density of the margins is low. There are topics related to the field of grammar written in red ink in the margins.
- Some notes on the manuscript:
- This copy, which bears the library seal of Hafiz Ahmed Aga, was owned by Abdülbâkî Arif, Seyyid Arif Şerefzade, Salahaddin Şenşûrî and Hasan and Ahmed bin Hasan. The copy was inscribed by Salahaddin Ibn Ahmad al-Shanshūrī, who was also one of the owners, in 964. According to the purchase record on the verso, the copy was purchased by Qadi Abdurrahman in 1045.Seyyid Arif Şerefzade, one of the owners of the copy, dated the copy in 1178. There are at least three other undated ownership records. This is an important sign of the frequencyof the manuscript's circulation.
On the other hand, considering the density of the marginalia, it can be said that the readers of the manuscript did not intervene much in the manuscript, but there are still some marginalia with remarks such as sahh and ayn. In addition, it is seen that some subject headings are written in the marginalia using red ink.