- Collection No:
- 889
- Former Collection No:
- Recitation -20
- Title of Book:
- Tahbîru’t-Teysîr fî Kırâ’âti’l-E’immeti’l-Aşere - تحبير التيسير في قراآت الأئمة العشرة
- Müellif:
- İbnü’l-Cezerî, Ebu’l-Hayr Şemseddin Muhammed b. Muhammed b. Muhammed ed-Dımaşkî el-Cezerî,, 833/1429., ابن الجزري، أبو الخير شمس الدين محمد بن محمد بن محمد الدمشقي الجزري
- Copyright Date:
- 15th century
- Dil:
- Arabic
- Subject:
- Recitation
- Copyright Date
- : 20 Receb 1174 [25 February 1761]
- Scriber
- : Mustafa b. İbrahim el-Magnisavî, مصطفى بن إبراهيم المغنيساوي
- Bibliography about the author:
- Tayyar Altıkulaç, "İbnü’l-Cezerî", TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi,
- Content:
- Abu Amr al-Dani's work at-Taysir, which deals with the seven recitations (qira'at), has been supplemented by the addition of the recitations of Abu Ja'far al-Qari, Ya'qub al-Hadrami, and Khalaf ibn Hisham, and has been revised, clarified, and partially completed.
- Publications of the work
- : Abdülfettâh el-Kâdî ile Muhammed Sâdık Kamhâvî tarafından yayımlanmış (Kahire 1392/1972), daha sonra bir heyetin tashihiyle yeni bir neşri yapılmıştır (Beyrut 1404/1983).
- Copies:
- There are around 35 copies of the work in libraries in Turkey.
- Physical Description
- Leaf:
- 134
- Line:
- 19
- Dimensions:
- 208x140-140x67mm
- Calligraphy:
- Nash
- Paper
- : Watermarked, ink burns.
- Binding:
- It is enclosed in a binding covered with green cloth and has a flap. The title page is illuminated and colored, but the text in serlawh is missing. There is a gilded frame. Red ink is used in the headings and proper names. Some words (verses) in the text have been moved to the margins, crossed out with red ink, and certain proper names and words are written directly in red ink. On some pages, the ink has smudged. The names of the surahs are written in large script. It includes catchwords.
- Kuyûdât / Records
- On the bind:
- Tahyir-i teysîr li’l-imâm el-Cezerî
- Ia / Title of Work
- : Tahyîr-i teysîr
- Ia / Collection Number:
- Sıra numerosı 97
- 1b / Bibliographical Information:
- Hâza kitâbu tahbîru’t-teysîr li’l-imâm el-allâme el-Cezerî fi’l-kıra‘ati’l-aşera
- 1a, 58a, 132b / Endowment seal belonging to Hafız Ahmed Agha:
- : “Fethi Paşa Evkafı Hafız Ahmed Ağa Kütüphanesi Rodos”
- 1a / Ownership Record of Seyyid Hâfız Mustafa
- : Temellekehû el-fakîr el-hakîr es-seyyid Hafız Mustafa bi medine-i Mağnisavî
- 1a / Personal Seal of Seyyid Mustafa
- : Hâk-i Pây-i Çâr yâr-ı … es-seyyid âl-i Muhammed Mustafa
- Margins:
- Although the margin notes (derkenar) are sparse, there are annotations on many pages. The ink-written page numbers have been corrected with pencil during the re-numbering of the pages.
- 4a /
- Margin note with the 'Sahh' mark
- 7a /
- V mark
- 64b-65a /
- Minhivât mark
- 132b /
- evrâk 134 - bâ hatt-ı nesh - satır19
- Ferağ kaydı:
- Kad ferağtü hâza’l-kitâb fî yevmi’l-isneyn ba‘de’l-aşâ min şehri recebi’l-mürecceb fî yevmi’l-âşir sene erba‘ ve seb‘în ve mie ve elf (1174) ketebehû el-abdü’l-fakîr er-râcî afv rabbihi’l-kadîr Mustafa bin İbrahim el-Mağnisavî gaferallahu lehû velivâlideyhi velimeşâyihihî âmin bi hakk-ı Muhammed ve âlihî ecma‘în. Ve’l-hamdülillahi rabbi’l-âlemîn sene 1174 [25 Şubat 1761]
- Some notes on the manuscript: