- Collection No:
- 143
- Former Collection No:
- Hadith-51
- Title of Book:
- el-Kevkebü’l-Münîr bi-Şerhi’l-Câmi‘i’s-Sağîr / الكوكب المنير بشرح الجامع الصغير
- Author:
- Alkamî, Şemseddin Muhammed b. Abdurrahman b. Ali el-Kâhirî el-Alkamî eş-Şâfi‘î,, 969/1561, العلقمي، شمس الدين محمد بن عبد الرحمن بن علي القاهري العلقمي الشافعي
- Copyright Date:
- 968 [1560-61]
- Subject:
- Hadith
- Language:
- Arabic
- Bibliography about the author:
- Mücteba Uğur, "Alkamî", TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi, c.2, 1989, 468-469.
- Publications of the Work -
- :
- Copies:
- There are more than eighty manuscripts of the work in libraries in Turkey.
- Content:
- It is a three-volume commentary on his teacher Suyûti's al-Jâmi'u's-sağîr, which he completed a year before his death.
- Date of Copying 1011
- :[1602/1603]
- Scriber-
- :
- Physical Description
- Dimensions:
- 330x200-248x121 mm
- Leaf:
- I+319
- Line:
- 31
- Calligraphy:
- Ta‘liq
- Binding:
- Brown leather binding with medallion, chain ornament, flanking medallion and corner piece. Red ink was used for words used as titles such as “Hadith-kavluhû” and for the titles and rulers of some notes in the margin. Some leaves are double ruled, there are catchwords.
- Kuyûdât / Records
- 1a/ Ownership Record of Mustafa Emin:
- Min kütübi’l-fakîr Mustafa Emin ufiye anhü
- 1a / Personal seal inscribed Mustafa
- 1a/ Ownership Record of es-Seyyid Muhammed
- 1a-1b-58a-386b: Foundation Seal belonging to Hafız Ahmed Agha:
- Sâbıkan rikabdâr-ı hazret-i şehriyârî Rodosî Hâfız Ahmed Ağa’nın cezîre-i mezbûrda bina eylediği kütüphanesinin kütüb-i mevkûfesidir.
- 44a /Sahh symbol
- 386b / The copy record:
- Ve kâne’l-ferâğ min istinsâhihî fî evâhir-i şehr-i şevvali’l-mükerrem min şuhûri sene ihdâ aşer ve elf (1011 [1602/1603]) min hicret men lehü’l-izzü ve’ş-şeref
- 386b / Fawāid Record about the author of the source work:
- Kâle müellifuhû eş-şeyh el-imam el-allâme …’l-muhaddisîn veliyyüllâhi teâlâ eş-şeyh Celâleddin es-Suyûtî eş-Şâfiî teammedehullâhu bi rahmetihî ferağtü min yevmi’l-isneyn samin ışrîn rabiülevvel sene seb’a ve tis’a mie (907) ahsenallâhu âkıbetehumâ ve sallallâhu alâ seyyidinâ Muhammed ve âlihî ve sahbihî ve sellem teslimen kesîran velhamdülillâhi rabbi’l-âlemîn
Mevlid-i müellifihî evvelü receb sene 849 Müddet-i umruhû 83Vefâtihî leyletü’l-Cuma tâsi’ aşer cumâde’l-ûlâ sene 931
- 386b / Fawāid about the funeral day:
- Ahdara cenâzetü’ş-şeyh İbn Hacer fe emtaratü’s-semâ yevmeizin ala na’şihî ve kad karube ile’l-musallâ ve lem yekun zamân matarun feştedde eş-Şihâb el-Mansûrî inde naşihî kaddese sırrahû
The density of the margins is low on the first pages and increases on the last pages.